
In my dream, I was in Hungary. I don’t know why.

But I’m driving around in a small domed car kind of like a VW. Apparently I’ve driven all the way from Thailand. I go down a ramp in a place called Rozska Square. That I remember perfectly because are signs everywhere. The name is very similar to the name of one of my favorite Hungarian composers. In the parking lot, I get out of the car and I’m being bullied by a bunch of young thugs. They show me around. One of them is the skinhead. They seem to be adolescents. I’m forced to abandon my car. I remember that this underground parking lot has a cracked and pothole laden floor.

It seems that days later I come back and the car is very much damaged. The locks have been chewed away as though by rodents. The car won’t start. I’m not sure how I will get back to Bangkok.

Somehow I do manage to get there, and I’m trying to get help from my mother to get the car towed. All the way to Thailand.